Religious Education at St Matthew’s primary school is deeply embedded in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, where students are encouraged to inquire about their faith teachings so as to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Catholic tradition.
Through the renewed Religious Education curriculum, students are supported in the full flourishing of all learners as spiritual and religious, physical and cognitive, social and emotional beings. The Religious Education curriculum empowers students to gain:
- Knowledge and Understanding
i.e. seeking truth - Reasoning and Responding
i.e. making meaning - Personal and Communal Engagement
i.e. living story.
Parish Link
We are a school proudly established by our Parish community. We work in close partnership with our Parish Priest Fr. Boy Galdo and the Parish Council.

“In partnership with parents and the broader Church, Catholic schools contribute to a life-foundation for students that is centred in Jesus Christ and grounded in truth, beauty and love.”
Horizons of Hope, 2016 Catholic Education Melbourne