At St Matthew’s Digital Technologies are integrated across the curriculum.
Students have access to a variety of digital resources – interactive whiteboards, desktop computers, iPads, laptops, Chromebooks, document scanners, printers, digital cameras and video cameras – enabling them to investigate, design, communicate, collaborate and create.
Digital Technology skills are also specifically taught. These lessons cover a number of aspects including cybersafety, word processing, coding, film making, multimedia presentations, web design, blogging, animation and podcasting.
St Matthew’s is a Google Apps For Education school. This allows students online access to a range of Google communication and collaboration applications including Docs, Drive, Gmail, Calendars and Sites.
“If we teach as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow.”
– John Dewey
We are an accredited eSmart school. An eSmart school is a school where the smart, safe and responsible use of information and communications technology is a cultural norm for all students, teachers and the wider school community. This process has included reviewing and updating our ICT Policy, eLearning User Agreement and Cybersafety Policy.