Enrolments are welcome from term one in the year before your child is due to begin. Once enrolment dates are closed, individual interviews are conducted for all new enrolments.
‘Ready Set Prep’ transition sessions are offered in term 4, where both child and parents are invited to participate in 5 hands on informative sessions relating to primary school. Prep children must have turned five years old by the 30th April the year they start school. Enquiries for other year levels are also welcomed. New families are encouraged to make an appointment to have a tour of the school.
Enrolment Applications
An application for enrolment must be completed for every child to be enrolled. Enrolment application forms need to be accompanied by:
- An immunisation certificate (may be obtained from your local council)
- A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate
- A copy of your child’s Baptism certificate
- Before an application can be considered, we ask that parents be prepared to accept the conditions of enrolment fully in respect to each and every child.