At St. Matthew’s we are committed to developing a love of mathematics in our students.
The “highest achievers in the world are those who focus on big ideas in mathematics, and connections between ideas” (Jo Boaler, Stanford, 2015). Approaching big ideas through inquiry based learning links mathematical concepts and uncovers real world mathematics.
Deep learning occurs in mathematics when students are engaged in genuine reasoning, develop persistence and have the opportunity to apply their learning in a meaningful situation. At St Matthew’s we are incredibly lucky to have a rich supply of technological resources and we are able to develop a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) approach to Mathematics.
Mathematics at St Matthew’s is about:
- learner independence, persistence, motivation and confidence
- opportunities for innovation and exploration
- encouraging flexibility and mental agility
- focussing on concepts rather than procedures
- making growth not grades
- using rich tasks that enable higher order thinking skills
- making connections in mathematics and the real world
- using games (such as Mangahigh) to practice skills
- developing productive communication and teamwork

In the early years of schooling the primary focus is on developing children’s skills in number.
“Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit.”
– Stefan Banach (1892-1945 – Polish mathematician)