The Italian program at St. Matthew’s is designed to foster a love of learning another language and an appreciation of other cultures.
Our Italian room is vibrant and warm, filled with authentic Italian items and images of Italy. We celebrate Italian Day, immersing students in Italian language and culture.
In a positive and supportive learning environment students develop their confidence to participate in conversational activities. They have fun discovering how Italian works through activities such as singing, games, role-playing and listening to stories.
The Italian Program focuses on the skills of communicating, understanding, socialising, informing, creating, translating and reflecting. It explores the role of language and culture, while students develop a foundation in listening, reading, writing and grammar.

“Let your light shine before others.”
Matthew 5:16
Through questioning and discussion students reflect on the differences between Italian and the English language. They develop interpersonal skills and an awareness of our multilingual and multicultural society.